Sunday, 10 May 2009

Special K? More like Special Gay! Haha!

You know what winds me up periodically? Well a lot of things obviously BUT RIGHT NOW it is things that are marketed specifically at woman. My prime example of this is Special K which is a really tasty cereal but all the adverts are aimed at woman and specifically women trying to lose weight? Why the hell is that? Is your cereal to damn good for me Kellogg's? Honestly a lot of mornings I could really go for a bowl of Special K but I know that it will forever be denied to me.

The really odd thing about this as well is that I know plenty of guys who like Special K but whenever I do this rant round a girl they say they don't actual like Special K. So what is Kellogg's idea here? They are obviously targeting the wrong audience! Apparently Special K also used to be advertised as a cereal for working men so I really question what went wrong there.

Of course this doesn't end with cereal. I personally like Bounty bars (I love dessicated coconut) but I can't eat that because it's the woman's chocolate bar! I mean you've seen the adverts with the woman on the island and the muscley yet strangely effeminate man? How am I supposed to buy a chocolate bar if the image that nestle or whoever has driven into our minds when we see it is a hunky man?

The other one is shower gel. I buy Imperial Leather shower gel because, purely based of the name, it is the manliest shower gel you could buy, but they also have different varieties beyond the standard manly one. Sometimes I consider whether it would be nice to try Icelandic Spa style shower gel yet I know it is not an option because fancy smelling things are reserved for women and, as Arnold Schwarzenegger would say, girly men.

So there you go. Perhaps I am just insecure or maybe, in fact far more likely, society is once again wrong and they should stop marketing things towards specific groups of people and instead let everyone buy nice things.

Anyway I'm going to eat a steak now.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

I saw some bands

This weekend I went to Leeds to see my Brother and Sister-in-Law and to go to Live at Leeds which is like a live music thing which goes on all across Leeds with a couple of pretty big bands, like the Maccabees (who I guess were like the headline act) and a lot of smaller ones in variously sized venues all over the place. So here for you is a sort of diary/review type deally:

Brunch at Dave's

Hey this is some nice cooked breakfast, but aren't we going to be late for piskie sits or whatever they were called?

Piskie Sits

We are late for piskie sits. I have no idea what they even sound like. Also Elbow Rooms has no good beers. Seriously I have to drink Guinness. The next band here are called Rook and the Ravens but we're going somewhere else.

Fran Rogers

Fran Rogers is at Holy Trinity which is a church in the city centre. She is really good and the venue is great for what she does, which is being a woman with a guitar and being very good at it. I know I've heard at least one of her songs on the radio and I've actually seen her live once before. She has a website too apparently:

Wild Beasts

Last time I saw Wild Beasts, Fran Rogers was supporting them now that I think about it. The venue is packed and we can't get into see them. I mean they are a pretty decent band but when did they get this popular?


or possibly Blcklstrs are at the Packhorse and are the total opposite end of the scale. They have a song called Swords which is about a man with swords for arms and it accurately conveys this concept. They have other songs too, its loud, sort of metally, loud and loud. Good if you like that stuff and they are pretty decent I guess. For some reason the lead singer was wearing some cheap nu-ravey type shirt though, what's that about?

Are we going to see Mt or 7 Hertz

Also is Mt pronounced Em-Tee or Mount? It doesn't matter because there car has blown up or something and by the time we know that the beer garden seems far too good to leave. We talk about cricket and solvent abuse amongst other topics. We head back into the pub and it turns out one of the guys is writing a review of the event for Mojo, I figure he should really be seeing more bands.

Monster Killed by Laser

Sounds like a monster being killed by a prog laser, I'm enjoying it a lot but the music journalist hates them and so my trust in music journalism declines even further than before! To be honest I didn't have any to start of with but there you go.


I can't remember much about Chops other than them being okay and the singer having an irritating shirt.

I think we were going to see Dinosaur Pile-Up?

I get a burger from a kebab place where an Irish guy is ranting at some Canadians about Canadian history. The ketchup is well weird and is like fluorescent or something. The band we are going to see is at the Leeds Met Union but there is a massive queue because the Maccabees are on in TWO HOURS. We move on to the Cockpit.

Future of the Left

Future of the Left rock to an obscene degree. Seriously they are fantastic. Also if you like them buy their album because apparently they still have day jobs because so many people are pirating their music instead of paying for it which is pretty shit really. Honestly though I cannot really get across how good they were so I won't try.

Aidan Moffat off of Arab Strap

apparently he has a secret gig at the Brudenell but holy crap is there ever a massive queue. Obviously it is not that secret (that's probably how we know about it). We head home and watch a DVD of the Johnny Cash show instead.


So in the end I saw 5 out of a total of... well over 100 acts. But a good day was had, and in the end isn't that all that counts? No.